Sunday, November 28, 2010

I need some freaking sleep.

I suppose I should explain this series of self indulgent self portraits that I've been posting lately. For an art history course, we were told to create something that relates to the course.So I chose to do the Van Gogh method of creating a large number of completed images in a small period of time. He was known to do 3-4 completed pieces in a day, typically doing self portraits to save on model costs.
 Saturday I sat down at 7 am and worked till 11 pm with an hour break to eat and created 5 self portraits
that took into account a handful of the larger concerns of artists discussed in the period of
1850 - 1920 while not compromising my own aesthetics.  The concerns were
* The argument of line against color
*The simplification of objects to pure form
*The Dismissal of photographs and acceptance of it as a "painting"
*The Importance of capturing light
*The influx of Japanese culture/ art / ideals after the islands opened up trade with the world


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